How to use TripFon


TripFon is our website where you will sign up for workshops, individual phonetics consultations, Wednesday trips, weekend trips and the afternoon and evening programme. You will find it at 

Some events, workshops in particular, are intended for a specific language level (courses I, II, III or IV), which is why registrations will start only after you are assigned to your courses, i.e. on Monday 22 July 2024 at 14:00.

TRIPFON also includes a calendar with all the events that you signed up for. The calendar also shows events planned for all students and those that are mandatory for certain courses (e.g. lectures for the IV courses).

How to sign up for the event of your choice?

  1. Sign in – your username is your e-mail address, the password is LSSS.FF2024 (please change this to your own)
  2. Select from the offer in the following folders: 

Learning – here you pick WORKSHOPS

Corrective pronunciation – here you choose INDIVIDUAL PHONETICS CONSULTATIONS

Trips – this section is for WEEKEND TRIPS

Culture – here you choose from the AFTERNOON AND EVENING PROGRAMME

3. Sign up by clicking on REGISTER ME.

Useful phrases to know:

“registrace ještě není k dispozici” – “registration not available yet”

“registrace již byly ukončeny” – “registration closed”

First weekAdditional programme22. 7. at 14:00
Trips 27. 7. and 28. 7. 22. 7. at 14:00 – 26. 7. at 10:00
Second weekAdditional programme29. 7. at 8:00
Third and Fourth weekAdditional programme5. 8. 18:00
Trip Friday 9. 8. (courses IV.)5. 8. at 14:00 – 9. 8. at 10:00
Trips 10. 8. and 11. 8. 5. 8. at 14:00 – 9. 8. at 10:00

Registrations for the first week start on Monday 22 July at 14:00.
Registrations for the following weeks start on Monday at 8:00.
Registrations for weekend trips start on Monday at 14:00 and end on Friday at 10.00.

If you do not want to or cannot take part, please cancel your registration so someone else can take your place. Thank you.