If you have questions and don’t know who to contact, please send them to lsss.praha@ff.cuni.cz
Svatava Škodová, Director
In charge of the LŠSS as a whole and lectures
Contact: svatava.skodova@ff.cuni.cz
Personal page: https://ubn.ff.cuni.cz/ustav/lide/zamestnanci/mgr-svatava-skodova-ph-d/
Jana Dolenská, Deputy Director and Cultural Program Secretary
In charge of ceremonies and cultural program as well as the leisure activities, FB, IG
Email: jana.dolenska@ff.cuni.cz
Personal page: https://ubn.ff.cuni.cz/ustav/lide/zamestnanci/janadolenska/
Hana Hejlová, Lecturer Cooperation Secretary
In charge of classes within the course, placement test, workshops
Email: hana.hejlova@ff.cuni.cz
Personal page: https://ubn.ff.cuni.cz/ustav/lide/zamestnanci/hana-hejlova/
If you have questions and don’t know who to contact, please send them to lsss.praha@ff.cuni.cz