67th LŠSS 2025 FAQ

Placement test

Each participant must fill out the test before the start of LŠSS. It will serve as the basis for your placement in a student group. The online test is to be taken individually – it will be available since June 1st until June 15th, 2024.

The participants will be tested on grammar, reading, listening, and writing.

The link for the mandatory placement test will be distributed to applicants with completed applications by email.

Additionally, after arriving to Prague, each participant will also be asked to complete a short interview.

Orientation (Registration, Placement Interviews)

All internal students (staying at the dormitory) are expected to arrive for Registration on Thursday, July 18th, 2024. The Registration will be held directly at the Masaryk dormitory (Thákurova 1, Prague 6) that day between noon and 6pm. In case you arrive after this time slot, you can retrieve your keys at the reception (opened 24/7) and complete the Registration on July 19th, 9am at Celetná 13. You will also obtain your lunch/dinner vouchers during the Registration.

External participants (not staying at the dormitory Masarykova) as well as internal participants (late arrivals) should attend the registration, obligatory interwiews with teachers on Friday, July 19th at 9am in the Charles University UK Point in Celetná 13, Prague 1.

Should any participants prefer arriving after the registration days (July 18-19), they need to indicate so in this form.

Regular classes will begin on Monday, July 22nd.

LŠSS opening weekend


The opening ceremony with the President of Charles University will be held on Saturday 20 July 2024 from 14:00 in the Great Hall of the Karolinum, Ovocný trh 541/3, Praha 1.

The welcome dinner will be held at the Vinohradský pivovar restaurant (Korunní 2506/106, Prague 10) on Saturday 20 July 2024 from 17:00.

For Sunday afternoon and evening, we have prepared a programme during which you’ll get to know the other participants, teachers, the Faculty of Arts and Prague.

For more information and the schedule, see the programme here.


All internal students are going to be staying at the Masaryk dormitory. The capacity of the dormitory is limited, therefore there is not much room for special accommodations and requests. Should you have any special requests you did not previously indicate in your questionnaire, please reach out to lsss.praha@ff.cuni.cz at your earliest convenience.

The rooms are equipped with bed linen and towels. The dormitories are not air-conditionned. Each two or three rooms (1 unit) share a bathroom and a kitchenette (equipped with a stove but very limited amount of dishes).

Wi-Fi access at the dormitory is to be requested at the dormitory reception.

LŠSS assistance will be available at the dormitory.

Technical report defects at the dormitory reception (Czech and English speaking staff).

Checkin on July 18th, the reception is opened 24/7 (except for 6:30-7pm)

Checkout on August 15th, 10 am (it is possible to store luggage at the reception afterwards).

Extra nights (before or after the duration of the Summer School) upon request at your own expense, to be paid directly to the dormitory (by cash or card), price 700 CZK per night (including breakfast), 850 CZK for a double room for single use (including breakfast).

Should you wish to extend your stay before or after the duration of the LŠSS, reach out to lsss.praha@ff.cuni.cz at your earliest convenience. For changes during the duration of the LŠSS, reach out directly to the dormitory’s accommodation office.

Should you have any visitors, the Masaryk dormitory offers a hotel type accommodation. For booking, reach out to the accommodation office or booking.cz.



Scholarship holders have a full meal plan.

Breakfasts (and/or weekend brunches on July 20, 21, 28 + August 3, 4, 11) are provided at the Masarykova refectory in a buffet style. In addition, they will be provided with a 100 CZK meal vouchers for lunches (20) and dinners (24). The plan includes welcome (July 20) and farewell (August 14) dinners, one lunch during the registration/placement interview (July 19), and a buffet style lunch on the trip (August 9). Two packed lunches are provided during the weekend trips (July 27, August 10).

Shared kitchenettes for 1 unit of 2-3 double rooms are available at the dormitory.


Accommodation at the dormitory includes a buffet style breakfast at the refectory. The meal plan includes welcome dinner at a restaurant, farewell dinner on the boat, one lunch during the registration/placement interview (July 19), two packed lunches provided during the trips (July 27, August 10), and a buffet style lunch on the trip (August 9).

Shared kitchenettes for 1 unit of 2-3 double rooms are available at the dormitory.


External participants may join the welcome&farewell dinner for the additional fee of 1 600 CZK. Should you be interested, please reach out to lsss.praha@ff.cuni.cz (preferably by the end of June).

Local transportation

Students are responsible for purchasing their Prague public transportation passes. We recommend the Monthly coupon for 550 CZK. Students in the age of 18-26 are eligible for student discount. They will be provided with a proof of study for the transportation company upon Registration. More information on fares is available here.

Support in case of medical emergencies 

During the Summer School of Slavonic Studies, administrative assistants are available during office hours for assistance at the Faculty, as well as at the dormitory (including overnight for emergency situations).

Medical facilities

Due to the close proximity to the dormitories and the variety of services available, students are typically taken to Motol Hospital should the need for medical attention occur. In the past, we have had good experience with Polyclinic Na Národní as well.